Australian and international animal welfare researchers and practitioners are invited to submit an abstract for AAWS08 International Animal Welfare Conference. AAWS08 will be the first conference of its type in Australia and internationally, and will bring together world leaders in animal welfare science, practice and policy.Abstracts addressing the themes of the conference are being invited for oral and poster presentation. The conference themes are:- Animal Welfare and Australia
- The New Social Ethics for Animals
- Understanding Animal Welfare
- Measuring Animal Welfare
- Making Sustainable Improvements in Animal Welfare
- The International Scene in Animal Welfare
Applications close on April 30 2008. Authors with abstracts accepted for the conference will be asked to present a full paper by July 31 2008.Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference handbook, while the full papers will be published as part of the proceedings CD after the event.
Important dates
Call for abstracts January 31 2008
Abstract deadlines April 30 2008
All authors notified of outcomes June 6 2008
Deadline for receipt of final draft of papers July 31 2008
Check out the guidelines on preparing and submitting abstracts.For more information, contact the conference coordinators.
Welcome to the blog of AAWS08 International Animal Welfare Conference. The conference is only seven months away, so start planning your attendance now.The Australian Animal Welfare Strategy Advisory Committee is pleased to announce the AAWS08 International Animal Welfare Conference "The Welfare of Animals - it's everyone's business. AAWS - the Australian Approach". This conference will be the first of its kind, in Australia and internationally.
The conference will be held on 31 August - 3 September, 2008 on the Gold Coast, Queensland.
Download the Preliminary Announcement and Invitation PDF [403kb]
The Australian Animal Welfare Strategy is a national blueprint to improve animal welfare outcomes for all Australian sentient* animals. A partnership between government, industry and the community, the AAWS will achieve its goals by facilitating greater consistency across jurisdictions, encouraging adoption of recognised best practices, and building understanding of animal welfare across the whole community.Conference Aim
The conference will bring together animal welfare stakeholders from around the world and provide them with an opportunity to improve animal welfare domestically and internationally. The conference will provide a forum to share ideas and discuss future priorities.The Program
The three-day program will include plenary and interactive sessions covering major issues and developments in animal welfare across the six AAWS animal use sectors: animals in the wild; livestock production; companion animals; animals used for work, sport and recreation; aquatics; and those used for the purposes of research and teaching.The conference will feature national and international speakers from industry, animal welfare groups, government and research.
Who should attend?
AAWS08 will be of interest to anyone working in, researching, or interested in animal welfare, including industry, government, animal welfare groups and researchersInterested?Please contact the conference co-ordinators for more information about the conference, sponsorship or exhibition opportunities, or to submit a paper, poster abstract or workshop proposal. * A sentient animal is one that has the capacity to have feelings and to experience suffering and pleasure. Sentience implies a level of conscious awareness.