Monday, March 31, 2008

Want info on the Gold Coast?

If you are looking for information on Queensland's Gold Coast, check out the website of the Gold Coast Tourist Information Centre.

AAWS08 is being held at Conrad Jupiters which is in Broadbeach, just south of the famous Surfers Paradise, a 20 minute drive north of the Gold Coast airport at Coolangatta, or an hour's drive south of Brisbane.

September is early spring, which means the weather on the Gold Coast should be fine and mild, with a temperature range of 15-25°C / 59-77°F, just right to get over the winter blues for those of us from colder parts of Australia.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Submit your abstracts now!

Our thanks go to all the potential presenters who have been patiently waiting for the online abstracts submission system to become available.

The system is now up and running and available to accept your abstracts. It is pretty clear and easy, but if you find you have an issue please let us know.

Don't forget to check out the guidelines for preparing and submitting your proposal if you haven't already.

The themes of the conference include:
  • Animal Welfare in Australia
  • New Social Ethics for Animals
  • Understanding Animal Welfare
  • Measuring Animal Welfare
  • Making Sustainable Improvements in Animal Welfare
The AAWS Advisory Committee and the conference steering committee are also very keen to ensure all animal use sectors are represented at the conference.

And don't forget - there's only four weeks left for submitting abstracts.

Friday, March 7, 2008

AAWS08 logo

If you look to the right you will notice an updated logo for the AAWS08 International Animal Welfare Conference. Feel free to use it when creating links to this blog. If you need a higher resolution version please contact the Animal Welfare Branch.

It is a long weekend in Canberra this weekend, so we won't be back until Tuesday March 11.

Have a good one!
