Saturday, August 30, 2008


Australia’s past, present and future approaches to animal welfare will be held up for debate when experts from the fields of science, academia, industry and the wider community gather on the Gold Coast this week.

The occasion is the AAWS08 International Animal Welfare Conference, the first of its kind to be held in Australia.

The conference will be attended by up to 400 delegates including farmers and producers, veterinarians, scientists and researchers, lobbyists, industry and government representatives.

From Australia…

The conference will be opened by Dr John Drinan, Chairman National Consultative Committee on Animal Welfare, Chairman of the AAWS Advisory Committee and Chief Executive Officer of the Dairy Adjustment Authority.

One of Australia’s foremost animal welfare authorities, a Fellow of Animal Health Australia and member of the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy Advisory Committee, Professor Emeritus Ivan Caple from the University of Melbourne will deliver a presentation on the history and progress of animal welfare in Australia.

Chief Scientist for RSPCA Australia Dr Bidda Jones, whose presentation will explore the role of non-government agencies in improving animal welfare.

Professor Margaret Rose will talk about the ethical framework behind the use of animals in research and teaching.

From Europe…

Dr Peter Sandøe is a philosopher and ethicist, Director of the Danish Centre for Bioethics and Risk Assessment at the University of Copenhagen; his presentation on animal welfare in biotechnology is entitled ‘Staying Good while playing God’.

Dr Andrea Gavinelli is Deputy Head, Animal Welfare and Feed Unit in the Directorate General Health and Consumers of the European Commission

From the United Kingdom…

Future knowledge, attitudes and solutions is the topic of the keynote presentation by Professor Donald Broom, the world’s first Professor of Animal Welfare, who has held the post at Cambridge University’s Department of Veterinary Medicine since 1986.

Professor Marian Dawkins will deliver a talk on making sense of animal welfare measures – as Professor of Animal Behaviour at the University of Oxford, she has a long-standing interest in animal consciousness and animal welfare, particularly that of poultry.

Chief Inspector of the Home Office Animals (Scientific Procedures) Inspectorate, former Chair of the Farm Animals Welfare Council and President of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Dr Judy MacArthur Clark will discuss sustainable improvement in animal welfare.

From the USA…

Providing the USA perspective on animal welfare issues is Dr Chester Gipson, Deputy Administrator for Animal Care in the US Department of Agriculture.

From New Zealand…

Dr David Bayvel is President of the OIE Animal Welfare Working Group and Director of Animal Welfare at MAF Biosecurity NZ – his presentation will address the globalisation of animal welfare from an Aust/NZ perspective.

From India…

Perception and reality of animal welfare in India is the subject of a talk by Professor of Animal Science at Allahabad Agricultural Institute Professor Ashok Rathore.

Dr S. Abdul Rahman is Secretary of the Commonwealth Veterinary Association and will offer a fascinating insight into animal welfare issues on developing countries.

To arrange interviews with speakers or request a media pass to the conference, please contact Jane Speechley: e-mail or phone 0414 354 928.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane,

I noticed your post talks about animal welfare. My sisters and I have a band called Truth On Earth. We write, produce, and sing original songs about major problems in the world such as Factory Farming, Cyberbullying, Starvation and Child Abuse to name a few. 70% of our profits go to those who are working on real solutions so that we can get earth on track and leave a planet worth inheriting to future generations. We would appreciate any networking suggestions you might have that would help us get the word out to a wider audience. At you can hear our music and read more about our mission. We just added our first music video "Factory Farm" to our youtube page as well. You can email me at

Hope to hear from you. Thanks,